U-46 Community Agency Partnerships

U-46 Community Partners

  • The mission of the U-46 School Community Alliance is to create, integrate and leverage existing and new school/community partnerships that develop a full continuum of systematic interventions based on data.

    The work of the School Community Alliance encompasses 
    three intervention levels:

    • Systems for promoting healthy development and preventing problems 
    • Systems for responding to problems as soon after onset as is feasible 
    • Systems for providing intensive care 

    The U-46 School Community Alliance has been developed by District U-46 to bring educational leaders and community partners together to discuss how they can, as partners, provide a continuum of support for all students.

    The U-46 School Community Alliance includes MTSS representation from the national, regional and local level as well as community agencies within the Elgin U-46 boundaries. 
    Conversations with community agencies will be ongoing, ultimately establishing reciprocal relationships between schools and community agencies.

Working Together